November/December 2024

Dear Beloved Partner,

As we close out another year, we want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude for your unwavering support of Lasting Smiles Uganda. Your generous contributions have made an incredible difference in the lives of those we serve, and we could not have achieved all that we have without you. We thank God who has enabled you to do this.

“Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name.”

— Psalm 100:4

Because of your financial commitment, we’ve graduated thirty-one children from Grade 7, two from Grade 11, and throughout the year, we’ve consistently fed and educated the 600 children in our Nursery and Primary school. Your belief in our mission and dedication to our cause continues to fuel our work, inspiring us to reach new heights in the coming year.

This year has been filled with both challenges and triumphs, but through it all, your support has remained a constant source of strength. You are not just donors — you are partners in our mission, and together, we have brought hope and change to those who need it most.

As we look ahead to 2025, we are excited about the possibilities and the continued impact we can make together. Thank you for being a vital part of our journey. We are deeply grateful for your trust, kindness, and generosity.

Wishing you a joyful and peaceful holiday season, and a new year filled with health, happiness, and hope.

With heartfelt thanks,
Semei & Susan Ziva
Founder, Lasting Smiles Uganda

A BIG Thank You to All of Our Partners!

Lasting Smiles Uganda was founded in 2016 in Kyajja, Uganda, one of the poorest areas in Central Uganda. Since that time, the journey has been full of rewarding and yet challenging seasons.

Our mission continues to reach children with the love of Jesus Christ by providing food security, education, healthcare, and protection. We would not see the incredible return on our labor without the support of our great partners, like you!

Several months ago, Pastor Semei and our board discussed the need for newer teaching housing, outdoor recreation equipment, and additional desks to help support the growth and certifications necessary. The certification deadline was October 31 and was crucial for the continued growth of our school in Kyajja.

One of our founding donors heard of this need and laid out an ambitious challenge: if the LSU team could raise $50,000 by the end of October 2024, they would match this with another $50,000. Throughout the fall, our board members called, emailed, and met with countless individuals and organizations. All of this effort was bathed with A LOT of prayer!

Praise God!! We are happy to report that the challenge was met on the very last day of our campaign. On behalf of all of us at Lasting Smiles Uganda, we celebrate and are grateful for the belief in the work. Pastor Semei and Susan, thank you for rising up in a time of need.

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

— 2 Corinthians 9:7

Give the Gift of a Student Scholarship!

On our website, you will see a list of high school students that you can sponsor. Our secondary students attend school at campuses independent of Lasting Smiles Uganda. These specific donations help students with their educational and boarding costs.

Scholarships are still needed for 29 students on a monthly basis. These scholarships start at $85 per month per student. Would you consider supporting a student this holiday season?

Scholarship a Student - CLICK HERE

National Exams and Celebration

Recently, many students finished their national exams. The teachers and staff cheered them on for all the hard work to make this possible. They were rewarded with a dedication service and celebration meal to honor their accomplishments. We are very proud and wish them well in this next chapter of their education.

Partnering for Impact

Together, we can make a difference! By supporting Lasting Smiles Uganda, you’re joining a movement to create meaningful change in the students and the community of Kyajja, Uganda. Every contribution leaves a lasting impact.

Your partnership fuels our vision and ensures we can continue to serve effectively and grow sustainably. With your support, we can go further, reach more, and transform lives together. Please take a few moments to share about Lasting Smiles Uganda with those that would be interested in joining our mission!

Support Lasting Smiles Uganda - CLICK HERE

Uganda Trip — November 2024

Jeff and Christine Steiner serve on our LSU Board of Directors. They are in Uganda the week of November 15–24, 2024. While there, they are meeting with Pastor Semei, Susan, the teachers, and students. This trip will give our board of directors and partners critical updates on the work being done in Kyajja! They would appreciate your prayers during these strategic meetings.

We pray God’s blessing over you and yours during this joyous holiday season!

Aaron Hall
Director of Development
Lasting Smiles Uganda

Ryann Russ

Your design partner, for life. We create a custom website design, graphics, and visual branding, without the custom price tag.

Celebrating 2024 Achievements and Vision for 2025


September 2024 Update